Easy and quick installation!
A heating panel is installed quickly and easily, either on the wall or on the ceiling. After the installation, the panel is activated with an extra thermostat of your choosing. If you don’t want your panel on a fixed position on a wall or ceiling,
you also have the option to equip it with a stand. With two stands, the panel can be put anywhere without effort.
The panels are very space-saving, so you do not need a boiler- or storage room.
This saves time and costs.
The SIKU Infraplate Pro Heating Panels have a very high efficiency (98%) and warm the body from the inside out. The panels protect your respiratory tract and mucous membranes. They donate heat on the press of a button, exactly when and where you need it. Or they can bey automated thanks to our intelligent thermostats.
This way, you can reduce your heating costs noticeably.
Thanks to the optimally insulated rear (max. of 40 °C), the walls are dried to prevent mold formation. There is no danger of fire or explosion,
as well as gas or carbon monoxide.